Friday, December 28, 2007

Contribution after the holidays

Merry Christmas! I have asked Eric for some more interfaces to document after the holidays as I needed some more contributions for the open source class. Eric responded quickly and I was up and running again after that small christmas break. It was another ideal experience as i get to read newer interfaces and see what they actually do. Click here to see the stuff i worked on the past few days. Its under the heading of "Contributions". Well... its time to get back into the holiday season as New Years is approaching. Happy New Years everybody.

Friday, December 7, 2007

0.3 Release

My final release for this project is a large one. At the beginning, Eric Sheppard gave us (me, AJ and Andrew) all the interfaces and we each split them up to work on them. I was appointed 18 interfaces and have completed my goals as of now. There are roughly three different categories including nsIDirectory, nsIAsync, and nsIAccessibile. These were all great interfaces with different coding styles. I learn a lot just from reading the code itself. At times, the code got very complicated where a class would inherit from multiple classes and I would get confused. I had to ask for help which made my life a bit easier. I felt I have contributed and teamed up with AJ and Eric nicely in this documentation project and was a fantastic experience for me. The list of interfaces I did can be found here.

Friday, November 16, 2007

0.2 Release

Due to some complications with my current project, I am currently altering my attention to another project that is similar which requires to perform documentation. The project i am contributing to is Interface Reference Documents with project leader AJ Rehman. Eric Sheppard from Mozilla is current assisting with this project and guiding us through step by step. I currently got a tutorial from AJ on how to create documentations from .idl files and it was very simple and straight forward.

Eric Sheppard gave me a number of .idl files to document and some of it was challenging. The .idl files at times were complicated and long so it took a while to document to the correct templates. The documentations that I have made can be found here under 0.2 release heading.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fixing a bug in Thunderbird

WOW! Fixing a bug in ThunderBird. This sounds more complicated then it seems. I had trouble finding out what was wrong and where the source of the problem is. It took a LONG time... however I did learn how the process works. File a bug, fix it, post it, get a review, and is approved. Its a process that i was not fimilar with until now.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Free Software and Open Source Symposium (FSOSS)

I attended the Free Software and Open Source Symposium (FSOSS) 2007 at Seneca College this year and it was amazing. There were so many people attending from around the world and the session talks were very informative. After attending, i felt i learn a lot from what people accomplished and how the open source community operates. Other then attending this symposium, I volunteered and helped out with registration which was a good experience. I am already thinking of returning next year without hesitation.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Mozpad API Project Sample

This is how the results are gathered when the script is ran. The following are screen shots of GTK and Windows.



Mozpad API Project - 0.1 Release

Its been a couple of weeks and for me, its been difficult. I have been trying to persue people in the community to run the script created by Matt and I got only a few to run out of many. I am still new to the community as my connection to other people are limited but with the help of Dave and Matt the project is slowly getting there. Matt told me he had a number of people he knew that might be able to run the script and from the results it looks like he got plenty of help. These results were created by running a script created by Jakub (Matt's acquaintances) so it can be easily read and analyzed. For now, this is what i have to report for the 0.1 release and to mention that this project is do-able and very fascinating.